Ronayne Funeral Director's  I.A.F.D.

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Pat (Patsy) Kirwan

The death has occurred of

Pat (Patsy) Kirwan

Cappagh, Glenmore, Kilkenny

Kirwan; Cappagh, Glenmore, Co.Kilkenny 10th July 2023. Pat (Patsy) predeceased by his sisters Margaret and Anna. Deeply regretted by Frankie, John and Romca, Bretta and Willie and grandson Kyle, sisters Breda, Mary, Kathleen, Eileen, Josie and Emily, brothers James, Michael and John, extended family and friends.


May He Rest In Peace.


Reposing in Doyle's Funeral Home, The Old Rectory, Rosbercon, New Ross from 4pm Wednesday, 12th July, concluding with prayers at 8pm.

Requiem Mass will take place Thursday, 13th July at 11am in St.James' Church Glenmore , followed by burial afterwards in the adjoining Cemetery.

Mass can be viewed on

Deepest gratitude to all in St. Lukes Hospital Kilkenny for their wonderful care and kindness over the past week

Date Published:

Tuesday 11th July 2023

Date of Death:

Monday 10th July 2023

Ronayne Funeral Director's I.A.F.D.

IAFD Member
75 Lower Patrick Street
Fermoy, P61 WT21
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