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Patrick Minihane

The death has occurred of

Patrick Minihane

Ballincollig, Cork / Union Hall, Cork

Minihane (Ballincollig and late of Union Hall, West Cork) on September 29th 2022, suddenly at his home, Patrick (Paddy) (Pat) (Ex ESB Inniscarra) son of the late Michael and Mary Minihane and brother of the late Eileen and Breda. Beloved husband of Marie (née Madden), loving father of Ian, Nicola and Mark and beloved grandfather of Caitlin, Dylan and Kelly. Sadly missed by his loving wife, family, daughters-in-law Margaret and Asu, son-in-law Ken, sisters Kathleen, Rita, Nuala and Bernadette, brother Mike, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives, kind neighbours and friends.

Rest in Peace

Lying in repose at Crowley’s Funeral Home, Ballincollig on Sunday (2nd) October from 4pm to 5pm followed by prayers. Requiem Mass at 12 noon Monday (3rd) October in the Church of St Mary and St John Ballincollig which can be viewed on Funeral afterwards to St Oliver’s Cemetery.

Date Published:

Thursday 29th September 2022

Date of Death:

Thursday 29th September 2022

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