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Pauline Ward

The death has occurred of

Pauline Ward
(née Boland)

Belcamp, Dublin

Sadly missed by her daughter Amanda, sons David, Stephen, Vincent and Daniel, son in law Jason, daughters in law Debbie, Suzan,  Lisa and Marika, grandchildren Laura, Kian, Luke, Kaitlyn and Maisie, sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews and a large circle of friends.

Rest in Peace Ma, you're back in the loving company of your son Raymond & husband David.

We will never forget you.

 Due to the recent government guidelines regarding public gatherings, a private funeral will be held  on Thursday morning at 11am in the Church of Our Lady Immaculate, Darndale, for family and close friends (with a limit of 50 persons). To view Pauline's Funeral Mass please CLICK HERE on Thursday morning at 11am. 

Date Published:

Tuesday 20th July 2021

Date of Death:

Sunday 18th July 2021

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