Floods Funeral Directors (IAFD)

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Peter (Pudge) Dunbar

The death has occurred of

Peter (Pudge) Dunbar

Rory O'Connor Place, Arklow, Wicklow / Gorey, Wexford

Peter (Pudge) Dunbar Rory O'Connor Place, Arklow, Co. Wicklow and formerly of Gorey, Co. Wexford. Died 5th October 2023 suddenly at his residence. Beloved husband of Elizabeth, father of Jason, Sandra and Katie, brother of Joe, Jenny, Mag, Tess, Michael and Gaye and son of the late Michael and Eileen. Deeply regretted by his loving wife, son, daughters, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, Jason's partner Chantelle, Katie's partner Lee, nieces, nephews, relatives, many dear friends and the two apples of his eye Saoirse and Dara.

May He Rest In Peace.

Peter (Pudge) will be reposing at his residence on Sunday (8th 0ctober) from 4.00pm and Monday (9th October) from 2.00pm. Removal will take place on Tuesday (10th October) at 9.15am to S.S Mary & Peter's Church, Arklow, for Funeral Mass at 10.00am. Burial afterwards in St. Gabriel's Cemetery, Arklow. Family flowers only, donations, if desired, to the Irish Heart Foundation. House private until Sunday, please.

The family would like to thank you for your support and would be grateful if you would express your messages of condolence on the link below. For those unable to attend the mass on Tuesday can be viewed on https://www.arklowparish.ie/webcam/

Date Published:

Friday 6th October 2023

Date of Death:

Thursday 5th October 2023

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