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Philomena (Dilly, Phil) Samuels

The death has occurred of

Philomena (Dilly, Phil) Samuels
(née Dunphy, Collins)

Taobh Linn, Kenmare, Kerry / Sneem, Kerry

Philomena (Phil, Dilly) Samuels (nee Dunphy, Collins) Taobh Linn, Kenmare and Bohocogram, Sneem, Co Kerry. On the 13th of September Philomena passed away suddenly, in the kind care of the health professionals of University Hospital Kerry and close family. Beloved wife of Ian Samuels. Loving mother of Ian (Collins) Fiona and Michelle. Cherished grandmother of Caleb and Niamh, who will never forget her. Predeceased by her parents Billy and Maureen Dunphy, Rathoe, Carlow. Sadly missed and deeply loved by her husband, son, daughters, grandchildren, neighbours, siblings, nieces, nephews, relatives and her friends.


Rest In Peace.


A Private Family Funeral and Cremation has taken place at The Island Crematorium, Cork on the 22nd of September, 2023.



When you come to die may it be after a long life. May you be peaceful and happy and in the presence of those who really care for you.

May your going be sheltered and your welcome be assured.

May your soul smile in the embrace of your anam cara.

(John O' Donohue, 1999)


Loved and always loved. She passed with dignity.

Night night, see you in the morning.


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Date Published:

Friday 6th October 2023

Date of Death:

Wednesday 13th September 2023

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