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Rachel Jamieson-Murphy

The death has occurred of

Rachel Jamieson-Murphy


Rachel Jamieson-Murphy, after a short unexpected illness, on Saturday 13th May, a few days after her 21st Birthday. Darling daughter of Lesley and Damian, and sister to Andrew, Stephen and her best friend and twin Elyse. Desperately missed by her loving grandparents Betty, Betty and Noel, and all of her close aunts, uncles ,cousins and friends. Joining her doting grandad E, Willie.


Rachel was a fighter from the start, and was thoroughly enjoying life as a student. Despite her underlying medical condition, Rachel achieved anything she set out to do. She would try anything, and even played in an All Ireland Rounders Final. She was loved by everybody she met, and was lucky to have many great friends.  Rachel loved to laugh and had a quick and funny comment for everything.


No cards and no flowers. Just Give Blood. If you can't, ask someone who can. We would really appreciate this gesture in honour of our Rachel.


Reposing at home on Wednesday (17th May) from 5pm to 8pm. Funeral Service on Thursday (18th May) at 11am in Clontarf & Scots Presbyterian Church, Howth Road, followed by Cremation at Dardistown Cemetery. The family has asked that you wear a bright colour of choice in honour of Rachel.


If you are unable to attend the Service on Thursday in person, you may join us online here:

Date Published:

Monday 15th May 2023

Date of Death:

Saturday 13th May 2023

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