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Raymond Taylor

The death has occurred of

Raymond Taylor

The Liberties, Dublin

The death has occurred of the late, Raymond (Ray) Taylor (18th July 2021) peacefully in St James Hospital surrounded by his loving family, son of the Murtagh, brother of the late, Patrick, sadly missed by his loving mother Kathleen, sisters Sandra, Michelle, and Catherine, loving daughters  Rebecca, Petra and Sofia, nieces and nephews Kayla, Kiefer, Daniel, Abbie and Amy, grand nieces and grand nephews, extended familys and a large circle of friends.


May He Rest In Peace 


A private funeral will take place due to Government advice on Friday (23rd July) in St Nicholas of Myra Church for 10am Mass followed to Mount Jerome Cemetery. A book of condolence is open on the link

Date Published:

Tuesday 20th July 2021

Date of Death:

Sunday 18th July 2021

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