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Richard (Dick) TIERNEY

The death has occurred of

Richard (Dick) TIERNEY

Dun Laoghaire, Dublin

TIERNEY (Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin) – May 1st 2015 (peacefully) at the Blackrock Clinic.  Richard (Dick); dearly beloved husband and best friend of Joan, much loved father of Edwin, Barry, Helen and Siobhán.  Sadly missed by his loving wife, sons, daughters, sons-in-law Ray and Stephen, daughters-in-law Anne and Reyes, grandchildren Laura, Richard, Amanda, Jamie, Alexandra and Sofía, brother Christy, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law nephews, nieces, relatives and friends.


Rest In Peace.


Reposing at his home at on Sunday May 3rd from 3pm to 5pm.  Removal on Monday morning to the Church of the Holy Family arriving at 9.45am.  Funeral immediately after 10am requiem mass to Mount Jerome Crematorium, Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6W.  No flowers please.  Donations if desired to Nurture Africa.

Date Published:

Saturday 2nd May 2015

Date of Death:

Friday 1st May 2015

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