Search Last 7 Days Death Notices
The peaceful death has occurred at Letterkenny University Hospital of Rose Byrne (nee Breslin), Roxborough, Kilcar, Surrounded by her loving family. Sadly missed by her loving husband Paul, her son Cian, her brothers, Tommy, William, Seamus and Noel, her sisters, Annie and Carmel, her sisters in law and brothers in law, her nieces, nephews, extended family and friends. Predeceased by her beloved son, Eric, her parents Francie and Mary Breslin, her sisters, Teresa Heekin and Mary Heekin.
Rose's remains will repose at Mc Cabe's Funeral Home, Ardara (F94 VCK1), from 4.00pm until 6.00pm, today (Tuesday), removal from there at 6.00pm travelling via Killybegs, going to her late residence in Roxbourough, Kilcar. Reposing at her late residence this evening (Tuesday), Wednesday and Thursday, with removal from there on Friday morning at 10.30am, going to St Cartha's Church, Kilcar for 11.00am Funeral Mass, with burial afterwards in the local cemetery.
Rose's Funeral Mass can be viewed on the following link st-carthas-church-kilcar,-f94-h2y5 - MCN
No flowers, donations if desired to Palliative Care, c/o any family member.
May her gentle soul rest in peace.
Paul, Cian and the Breslin Family would like to thank you all for your support at their difficult time.
Those whose wish to leave a message of condolence, may do so in the condolence section below.
Date Published:
Tuesday 2nd April 2024
Date of Death:
Monday 1st April 2024