John Sweeney & Sons Funeral Directors - Arklow

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Sean Kealy

The death has occurred of

Sean Kealy

Hall's Lane, Arklow, Wicklow

Peacefully at St. Vincent’s Hospital surrounded by his loving family. Beloved husband of Mairead & devoted father of Maureen, David, Alan & Brian. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife, sons, daughter, son-in-law Peter, daughters-in-law Paula, Gwen & Alison, grandchildren Ann, Niall, Barry, Amy, Sean, Rachel, Jessica Rebecca, Kirsty & Shauna, great-grandchildren Lara, Ellie, Sean & Isabelle, brothers Jim, Billy & Ned, sisters Betty, Kathleen, Mary, Eileen & Margaret, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives & friends.


Rest in Peace


Reposing at Sweeney’s Funeral Home from 3pm until 8pm on Wednesday. Removal on Thursday morning at 11am to St. Mary & Peter’s Church arriving for Funeral Mass at 11.30am. Burial afterwards in St. Gabriel’s Cemetery. 

Date Published:

Tuesday 2nd July 2019

Date of Death:

Monday 1st July 2019

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