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Séan Keating

The death has occurred of

Séan Keating

Fierd, Cross, Clare / Kilbaha, Clare

The death has occurred (peacefully) surrounded by his loving family in the wonderful care of Regina House Nursing Home, Kilrush of

 Séan  Keating,

Fierd, Cross Co. Clare.

Former Clare County Councillor.

Adored husband of Maura.


Son of the late Bernard and Mary Keating,

and brother to deceased brothers Thomas, Bernard and Patrick deceased sisters Mary, Johanna, Philomena, Sr. Joan, Margaret, Sr. Mary, Bridget and Sr. Claire (Cecilia).


Sadly missed by his loving wife Maura, his children Finbarr,  Kieran, Joan, Susan, Ailish, Oliver and John, his adored grandchildren, sister Jenny (Keating), sons-in-law Niall Hayes and Stephen Corcoran, daughters-in-law Colette and Bríd, brother-in-law Jimmy Flynn, nephews, nieces, grand-nephews, grand-nieces, cousins, extended family, neighbours, many friends and the many communities he served as a former member of Clare County Council. 


May he Rest in Peace


Reposing on Friday evening, 23rd June, in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Cross (Eircode V15 V060) from 5.00p.m. until 8.00p.m. Funeral Mass on Saturday morning, 24th June, at 11.00 a.m. followed by burial in Kilballyowen Cemetery, Cross. Seán’s funeral Mass can be viewed on Kilballyowen Parish Facebook Page. Those who wish to leave messages of sympathy to the family can do so in the condolence section below.


Family Flowers Only Please.

Donations in Lieu to Regina House.

Date Published:

Thursday 22nd June 2023

Date of Death:

Thursday 22nd June 2023

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