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Sean Kelly

The death has occurred of

Sean Kelly

London and formerly Leugh Rd., Thurles, Tipperary

Sean Kelly, London and formerly Leugh Rd., Thurles, Co .Tipperary. Predeceased by his by his wife Madge (nee Flanagan) Boherlahan, his parents Thomas and Mary and his brothers Fr. Tony, Vincent and Christopher.Deeply regretted by his loving sons Tony and Martin, daughters in law, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, brother Albert (Borrisoleigh), sister Rita Brolan (Thurles), brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives and a wide circle of friends.Rest in Peace


Sean's Funeral takes place in London on Monday morning February 10 am and can viewed by pressing the following link  Messages of condolence can be placed on the page provided below. 

Date Published:

Friday 5th February 2021

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