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Sheila Quinn

The death has occurred of

Sheila Quinn
(née Delaney)

Ventry, Kerry / Navan Road, Dublin

On the 6th of October 2023 at UHK, Sheila. Predeceased by her sister Helen and brother Liam. Sadly missed by her loving husband Paud, daughter Ellen Marie, sons Tomás and Paul, sisters Mary, Imelda and Irene, brothers Éamonn, Richard and James, daughters in law Gráinne and Marie, grandchildren Éanna, Seán, Aoife, Orlaith, James, Emma and Harry, sisters in law, brothers in law, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. R.I.P. Reposing at O'Connor's Funeral Home, Dingle on Sunday evening from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Remains to arrive St. Mary's Church, Dingle on Monday morning for 11 a.m. Requiem Mass followed by interment in St. Brendan's Cemetery, Dingle.

Ní imiithe uann ach imithe romhainn.

Date Published:

Saturday 7th October 2023

Date of Death:

Friday 6th October 2023

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