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Teddy Coppinger

The death has occurred of

Teddy Coppinger

Dehreen, Thurles, Tipperary

Peacefully, in the wonderful care of the staff of Ardeen Nursing Home, Thurles. Predeceased by his parents Edward and Anne, sisters Kitty and Joan, brother Jossy. Deeply regretted by his loving family; sisters Nancy (Jordan) and Bridget (Burke), brothers Jimmy and Paddy, nephews, nieces, grandnephews, grandnieces, cousins, Ardeen community, neighbours and friends.


May He Rest In Peace.


Reposing in Hugh Ryan's Funeral Home, Slievenamon Road, Thurles on Saturday, 20th November, from 5.30pm to 7.30pm. Arriving at the Cathedral of the Assumption, Thurles at 8pm.  Requiem Mass on Monday, 22nd November, at 11am. Burial afterwards in St Patrick's Cemetery, Thurles. The Mass can be viewed at  Sympathies can be expressed in the condolence section below.


Please continue to wear face mask and no handshaking.

Date Published:

Friday 19th November 2021

Date of Death:

Thursday 18th November 2021

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