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Teresa Downes DC*HS

The death has occurred of

Teresa Downes DC*HS
(née McDonnell)

Barna Road, Galway / Killala, Mayo

On 5 August, 2023 Teresa died very peacefully at home.

Beloved wife and best friend of the late Donal and much loved mother of Donal Jnr., Orla McKeating (Dublin), Karina McDonnell (Naas), Brian (Limerick) and Adrian.


Predeceased by her parents Michael and Bridget and siblings Paddy, Maureen, Jack, Pauline, Tommy, Phyllis and Nancy.


Mourned and sadly missed by her loving sons and daughters, daughters-in-law Saundra, Olive and Clare, sons-in-law Kevin and Tadhg, adored grandchildren Philip, Henry, Aoife, David, Cialann, Comhghall, Tim, Kate, Brian, Emma, Siobhán and Shane, her seven great grandchildren, the extended Downes and McDonnell family, neighbours and friends.


Reposing at St. Anthony's Room within the Church of St. John the Apostle, Knocknacarra, Galway on Thursday, 10 August from 5 p.m. with Removal into the Church at 7.00 p.m. Requiem Mass will be celebrated for Teresa at 12 noon on Friday, 11 August and following Mass she will be laid to rest in Rahoon cemetery, House Private Please.


Oh Mary my Mother and my hope I take refuge under thy mantle.

There I will live and die.

Deliver me from sin and grant me thy holy blessings.



Live Streaming link for Mass Here

Book of Condolence If you would like to leave a personal message of sympathy for Teresa’s family please find the online book of Condolence below. The family would like to thank you for your thoughtfulness at this time.

Date Published:

Monday 7th August 2023

Date of Death:

Saturday 5th August 2023

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