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Teresa Kennedy

The death has occurred of

Teresa Kennedy

The Meadows, Murroe, Limerick

The Meadows, Murroe, Co. Limerick and late of St. Mary's Park, Limerick

On November 28th 2023, suddenly, at her residence.

Very deeply regretted by her sons Martin and Dion, parents Maurice and Breda, sister Martha, brother Pa, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, grand niece, other relatives, friends and neighbours.


May She Rest in Peace


Reposing at Cross's Funeral Home, Gerald Griffin Street, on Sunday, December 3rd, from 4pm to 6pm, followed by removal to St. Mary's Church, Athlunkard Street.

Requiem Mass on Monday, December 4th, at 12pm, funeral afterwards to Mount St. Oliver Cemetery.

Date Published:

Thursday 30th November 2023

Date of Death:

Tuesday 28th November 2023

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