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Teresa (Tess) Ryan (Davy)

The death has occurred of

Teresa (Tess) Ryan (Davy)

Moyaliffe,Ballycahill, Thurles, Tipperary / Doon, Limerick
Formerly of Knockalough, Upperchurch and Croughafoile, Doon, Co. Limerick; Deeply regretted by her brothers Tom, Con and Pakie, sister Kathy, caring nephew Declan, sisters in law Mary & Pauline, brother in law Michael, nephews, nieces, grandnephews, grandnieces, relatives and friends.
Rest In Peace
A private funeral will take place, in keeping with government guidelines and HSE advice on public gatherings, in relation to Covid-19. Please use the online condolence page below as an option to offer your sympathies.
A memorial Mass to celebrate Teresa's life will be held at a later date.

Date Published:

Monday 30th March 2020

Date of Death:

Sunday 29th March 2020

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