Hugh Ryan Funeral Directors (Est. 1878)

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Terry (Terence) O'Brien

The death has occurred of

Terry (Terence) O'Brien

Inchicore, Dublin

O’Brien (Dublin) March 2nd, 2023, suddenly at home, Terry (Terence) late of Inchicore and formerly of Mount Brown. Sadly missed by his loving children, Collette, Terry and Roy, his wife Phyllis, his sister Collette, son-in-law William, daughters-in-law Anita and Teresa, his 6 grandchildren Maria, Connor, Dearbhla, Caoimhe, Orla and Emer, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, relatives, neighbours and friends.


May Terry Rest in Peace.


Reposing at the Massey Bros Funeral Home, 113 Emmet Road, Inchicore, D08 P8X5 on Tuesday (March 7th) from 4 to 6 o’clock. Funeral Mass on Wednesday at 10 o’clock in St. Michael’s Church, Inchicore followed by burial to Goldenbridge Cemetery.


If you would like to leave a personal message of condolence for the family, please click here or alternatively on the condolence section below.


Family Flowers only please.


All enquires to Massey Bros , Inchicore on (01) 453 3333.

Date Published:

Monday 6th March 2023

Date of Death:

Thursday 2nd March 2023

Hugh Ryan Funeral Directors (Est. 1878)

Slievenamon Road
Thurles, E41 CP59
office@hughryanfuneraldirectors.ie0504-21704David: 086-8058865 / Donal 086-8354336
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