Massey Bros. Funeral Directors - Goatstown

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Therese Buffini

The death has occurred of

Therese Buffini
(née Moran)


Buffini (née Moran), Therese, 94, peacefully on 20th March while in the loving care of the Four Ferns.


Survived by her beloved husband George, their children Louise, Gary, John, Brian, Dermot and Kevin, their daughters-in-law Beverly B. and Beverly C., their grandchildren Anthony, Anna, Alex, Adam, Amy and Alysha, Harry and George, Kate and Jack, Conor and Eve and their great-grandchildren Michael, Caden and Theo.


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A celebration of Therese’s life will take place on Wednesday 26th March 2025 in the Victorian Chapel, Mount Jerome, Harolds Cross (D6W HY98) at 10am followed by cremation.


For those who cannot attend the funeral service, you may view it live by clicking here.


Family flowers only, donations if desired to LauraLynn Children’s Hospice (donate here).


Thanks to her wonderful Olivemount friends, the Newlands gang, and Frances Byron and her Four Ferns family.


To leave a private message of condolence, please click here or alternatively on the condolence section below.


All enquiries to Massey Bros., Goatstown on (01) 268 8828.


Please Note: The link provided to live-stream the Cremation service is managed by an independent streaming company. The Funeral Home accepts NO responsibility for its functionality or interruption to a live transmission.

Date Published:

Friday 21st March 2025

Date of Death:

Thursday 20th March 2025

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