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Thomas (Masher) O'Leary

The death has occurred of

Thomas (Masher) O'Leary

Marian Villas, Arklow, Wicklow

OLeary, Marian Villas, Arklow 31st December 2022, unexpectedly at St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin. Thomas (Masher) beloved husband of the late Patricia (née McGowan) loving father of Stephen, Declan, Annette, Louise, Catherine, Suzanne, Patricia, Jennifer, the late Thomas (Masher) and Patrick, treasured brother of Jean, Breda, John, Edel and the late Ann, Elizabeth, Margo, Robert and Alfie.  He will be sadly missed by his loving sons, daughters, grandchildren, great grandchildren, brother, sisters, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, cousins, relatives, friends and neighbours.



May He Rest in Peace.




Reposing at Hudson’s Funeral Home (Y14 PT80) on Sunday (8th January 2023) from 3pm to 7pm.  Removal Monday morning (9th January 2023) morning at 9.30am to The Church of Saints Mary & Peter, Arklow arriving for Funeral Mass at 10am, followed by burial in St. Gabriel’s Cemetery, Arklow.  Funeral Mass can be viewed via



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Date Published:

Friday 6th January 2023

Date of Death:

Saturday 31st December 2022

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