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Tim Browne

The death has occurred of

Tim Browne

Coolkill, Ballycahill, Thurles, Tipperary

Deeply regretted by his loving wife Mary, children Anne-Marie, Michael, Patrick and Philomena, grandchildren Liam, Hannah, Ellen and Emily, son in law Brian and Patrick's partner Deirdre, brothers, sisters, brothers in law, sisters in law, nephews, nieces, grandnephews, grandnieces, relatives, neighbours and a large circle of good friends.


May he rest in peace


Reposing at his home (E41 P977) on Monday evening from 4pm to 8pm. Funeral arriving to St. Cataldus Church, Ballycahill on Tuesday morning for Mass at 11.30am, followed by burial in Ballycahill Cemetery. Tim's funeral Mass can be viewed on the link

Date Published:

Saturday 1st April 2023

Date of Death:

Saturday 1st April 2023

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