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Tony Dunphy

The death has occurred of

Tony Dunphy

Mount Nebo Avenue, Gurranabraher, Cork

Dunphy (Mount Nebo Avenue, Gurranabraher, Cork), on December 23rd 2023, peacefully in the presence of his loving family, in Cork University Hospital, after a short illness bravely borne; Tony (ex. Taxi Driver), beloved son of the late Tom and Gretta, dearest brother of Val (O’ Shea), Catherine (Spitere), Paul, Martin, Ken and Jackie (McCarthy) and uncle of the late Rebecca. Sadly missed by his heartbroken brothers and sisters, brothers-in-law Tony, Kevin and Terry, sisters-in-law Mary, Yvonne and Lisa, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, The Martin family, relatives, neighbours and a large circle of friends.



Visitation at O’ Connor Bros. Funeral Home, North Gate Bridge on Wednesday December 27th from 3.00pm to 4.00pm, with prayers at 3.45pm. Requiem Mass in The Church of The Ascension, Gurranabraher on Thursday December 28th at 11.00am, which will be live-streamed on Funeral afterwards to St. Mary’s Cemetery, Curraghkippane.



Requiescat In Pace

Date Published:

Sunday 24th December 2023

Date of Death:

Saturday 23rd December 2023

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