Massey Bros. Funeral Directors - The Coombe (Head Office)

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Wayne Grace

The death has occurred of

Wayne Grace

Dublin 8, Dublin

Grace, Wayne. 16th December 2023. Late of Iveagh Trust, Dublin 8. Peacefully, surrounded by his loving family at St. James's Hospital.


Wayne will be very sadly missed by his loving mum Marie and dad Pat, his Godparents Brian and Pauline, his aunts, uncles, cousins, relatives, neighbours and friends.


Wayne's family would like to extend their sincere thanks to Kathleen Corbet and family at Stewart's Care and the wonderful staff at both St. James's A&E and ICU Departments and Beaumont Hospital for the love and care that was shown to Wayne.


May he Rest in Peace.


Reposing at his Aunt Deirdre's residence from 2pm until 5pm on Tuesday. Removal to St. Philomena's Church, Palmerstown, arriving at 10am on Wednesday for Funeral Mass. Burial to follow at Palmerstown Cemetery.


Those wishing to view Wayne's Funeral Mass online may do so by clicking here.


To leave a private message of condolence, please click here or alternatively on the condolence section below.


All enquiries please to Massey Bros Ltd., 109 The Coombe, Dublin 8 on 014533333.

Date Published:

Monday 18th December 2023

Date of Death:

Friday 15th December 2023

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