Rom Massey & Sons - Dolphin's Barn

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William (Billy) REYNOLDS

The death has occurred of

William (Billy) REYNOLDS

Dublin 8, Dublin / Ballyfermot, Dublin

REYNOLDS William (Billy) Taxi Driver, (James Street Flats, Dublin 8 and formerly of Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 and Dublin Corporation) August 2nd, 2021 - at St. James’s Hospital. Beloved husband of Alice. He will be sadly missed by his loving wife, sons Scott and Graham, daughter Ruth, son-in-law Robert, daughters-in-law Margaret and Aina, grandchildren Joshua, Tristan, Ryan, Madison, Kasa and Inga, brothers Joseph and Brian, sisters Bridie and Geraldine, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends. 


In accordance with current guidelines a private funeral will take place, but may be viewed on Saturday, August 7th, at 10am, using the following link - Those who would have liked to attend may leave a message of condolence in the condolence section below.


"May he rest in peace"

Date Published:

Thursday 5th August 2021

Date of Death:

Monday 2nd August 2021

Express your sympathy
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