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Willie Joe Kelly

The death has occurred of

Willie Joe Kelly

Springfield, Ballingarry (SR), Tipperary

Kelly, Willie Joe (Springfield, Ballingarry, Thurles, Co. Tipperary). 9th December 2020. Deeply regretted by his brothers John and Eamonn, sister-in-law Mary, nephews, relatives, neighbours and friends.

Rest in Peace

Reposing at O'Connell's Funeral Home, Killenaule, this Thursday evening from 5 o'c to 7o'c. Arriving at Church of the Assumption Ballingarry on Friday morning at 11.15 o'c for Funeral Mass at 11.30 o'c. followed by burial in Old Churchyard Cemetery Ballingarry.


Please adhere to Government & HSE guidelines regarding social distancing and face coverings. Please feel free to leave a message of sympathy in the condolence book below.

Date Published:

Wednesday 9th December 2020

Date of Death:

Wednesday 9th December 2020

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