McCloskey, Aidan Anthony,
late of “Maoilinn”, Woodfield Drive, Kilrush
and formerly of
Caragh Ave., Caherdavin Park, & “Lismoyle”, Shelbourne Ave., Limerick.
Died at home on Tuesday 5th February 2019,
after a long illness, in the loving care and company of his wife Mary, sister Deirdre,
immediate family and close friends.
Aidan’s wife Mary and children, Joseph, Aida & St.John, together with his cherished grandchildren, brother Clement and sister Deirdre, and extended family, say “Thank You” to everyone who supported Aidan through his long illness. Aidan now rests close to his son Peter (R.I.P.) in Kilcrona; reunited, may they together rest in peace; where they are overlooking their beloved River Shannon for eternity.
We thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with us on our sad loss. We were deeply moved by the huge outpouring of love and support received at the time of Aidan’s recent death. Our thanks to all those who called to our home, attended Aidan’s Funeral Mass and Burial, especially those who travelled long distances to be with us, those who sent Mass cards, messages of sympathy, floral tributes, those who telephoned, and those who made donations to the R.N.L.I. Kilrush or Daffodil Night Nurse. Thank you to Dr. Damien Barry, Malone’s Pharmacy, everyone at Kilrush & Ennis Health Centres, Shannondoc and Paramedics.
A special “Thank You” to everyone at University Hospital Limerick. You were so kind, courteous and caring of Aidan during his many long hospital admissions, and also when attending countless Outpatient Clinics. Please know that Aidan always appreciated and valued your generosity of spirit and kindness towards him. Thank you to Aidan’s wonderful Carers, Mary O’Connell, Ann Hehir Daly & Jackie Hassett. Thank you to the CIT Nurses, Milford Palliative Care Nurses, and Daffodil Night Nursing Service. Míle Buíochas to Aidan’s sister Deirdre for nursing him at home during his final illness.
A special word of thanks to the Chief Celebrant at Aidan’s Funeral Mass, Fr. Donagh O’Meara (Mullagh), and Concelebrants Bishop Emeritus Willie Walsh, Fr. Michael Sheedy (Kilrush), Fr. Gerry Kenny (Kilkee), Fr. Frank O’Connor (St. John’s Cathedral, Limerick), & Fr. Damian Ryan (Manister, Croom). The Liturgy was beautifully enhanced by Kilrush Parish Church Choir & Organist; particularly by Soloist Joe Kiely. Our thanks also to Brendan Egan, Sacristan, for his friendship to Aidan. Our thanks to all who participated, in any way, in the Liturgy to honour Aidan’s life. Thank you to Colette Welsh, Eucharistic Minister, for bringing Aidan Holy Communion every Friday for several years.
Grateful appreciation to Una Kelly and John O’ Neill for their support over the years. Thank you to Lillis Undertakers, Kilkee for their considerate handling of the funeral arrangements and to those who prepared Aidan’s final resting-place in Kilcrona. Thank you to all those who provided refreshments for the house and to Stella Maris Hotel, Kilkee. As it would be impossible to thank everybody individually, please accept this Acknowledgement Notice as a token of our heartfelt appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for your intentions.
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8
Month’s Mind Mass for Aidan will be offered on next Tuesday 5th March, in St. Senan’s Church, Kilrush at 10.00a.m.