The family of the late Ali Sharkey of Tallaght, Dublin would like to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them since Ali’s death a year ago.
We were very touched by the guard of honour formed by the Thomas Davis, Gaelic for Mother’s team and also the large group of both her friends, and those of the Sharkey family who were present at the church.
A special word of thanks to Father Al for supporting her family and for the beautiful ceremony in the Priory.
We have become aware of how far reaching her kindness spread. Ali quietly touched the lives of many around her and this makes us very, very proud of her. Thank you to those who have spoken to us about her; it has given us great comfort.
We also offer our heartfelt thanks to our many friends, neighbours, relatives, and well-wishers who have provided emotional and practical support for us at this difficult time. For those who telephoned, sent floral tributes, cards, messages and online condolences, as well as those who made charitable donations, we are forever grateful.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude.