Andy’s son Charles, daughter Elaine & all our family wish to extend our most heartfelt thanks for the many expressions of sympathy & support we received throughout the recent sad loss of a much loved father, Gaga, brother & friend.
Thank you to the many people who visited our home, attended Andy’s removal, funeral Mass & burial, sent Mass cards, letters, texts & online messages, those who travelled long distances to offer comfort & support & those who couldn’t be present but joined us via webcam. Thank you also to those who donated generously to Arklow Cancer Support Group in Andy’s memory.
Our most sincere thanks to Dr.’s Michael, Dara & Brian Doherty & all the team at Gorey Medical Centre for their care over the years.
Special thanks to Fr. Pádraig Ó’Cochláin for his prayers, comforting guidance & beautiful funeral Mass & to Naoimh Penston & Rachel Reid for their fabulous music.
Thank you to Andy’s many friends from East Coast Classics for joining in his funeral cortege, Andy would have loved it !
Thanks also to the management & staff of the Arklow Bay Hotel for their hospitality after the funeral, to Joe & Tom from RSS for tending to the grave for tending to the grave & to all at John Sweeney & Sons Funeral Directors.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation.
Andy’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on his birthday, Sunday 14th May at 11.30am in St.’s Mary & Peter’s Church. Those who cannot attend are welcome to join via webcam