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Ann Eva Forde

 Ann Eva Forde 
(née Delaney)

Arklow, Wicklow

Ann’s sons Diarmuid & Denis Joseph wish to express their most sincere thanks to everyone who offered condolences & support throughout Ann’s recent sad passing & during the time since.

Thank you to those who visited the funeral home, those who attended Ann’s removal, funeral Mass and burial, those who phoned, sent Mass cards, letters & texts, shared warm wishes online or travelled long distances & all those who joined in the celebration of Ann’s life via live stream. Thanks also to anyone who donated to The Alzheimer Society of Ireland as part of Ann’s legacy;

Our most heartfelt thanks to Andrea, Paddy & the wonderful caring team at Asgard Lodge Nursing Home for the care & dignity they brought to Ann’s final years. Thanks also to Dr. Frank Callan & his colleagues in Maryville Surgery, the kind & helpful staff of Ferrybank Careplus Pharmacy & Pamela & Vinoda from Home Instead.

Special thanks to Fr. Michael Murphy for his prayers, guidance & beautiful funeral Mass, to Geraldine Delaney & Bridget Kenny for such beautiful music & to the sacristy team at St. Joseph’s Church.

Thanks to our colleagues, extended family, wonderful neighbours and friends whose kindness will never be forgotten.

Thanks also to Jason Porter for tending to the grave, the management and staff of the Woodenbridge Hotel for their hospitality and all at John Sweeney & Sons Funeral Directors

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation.

Ann’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 5th October at 7pm in St. Joseph’s Church, Templerainey. Those who cannot attend are welcome to join via webcam.
