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Anna Kelleher

 Anna Kelleher 
(née O'Sullivan)

Wolfe Tone Street, Cork City, Cork

As we lovingly remember Mam today on her first anniversary 03/02/2022. We her family and grandchildren wish to express our deep gratitude to all who supported and sympathised with us on our very sad loss.

Thank you to all who attended Mam's removal, funeral mass, who attended in the church yard,online and the cemetery, under the very difficult restrictions of covid 19. To all who sent mass cards,letters of sympathy,the beautiful flowers and condolances on line.

To Father John and Jean Elliott for Mam's beautiful mass and singing. Jerh O Connor Funeral Directors, Coburg St, for your professionalism and attention to detail,the grave diggers at Saint Finbarrs cemetery and all who helped in any way it is very much appreciated.To Marie and staff at Ballincollig community nursing unit for the wonderful love care and respect shown to Anna in her final years. We extend our utmost thanks to our friends, relatives, neighbours, work colleagues and former colleagues of May. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually. The Holy Sacrifice of mass has been offered for your intentions.

Rest in Eternal Peace Mam
No need for words,
except to say you are loved and missed
in everyway.

We would ask that you please keep in your prayers
Mam's niece, Joanne Elizabeth Garka (age 44)
who passed away in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, UK
on the 12/01/2022.
Beloved daughter of Anna's sister.
Julia and Andrew.
Sister of Lindsay, Karen and their families.
May she rest in peace.