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Anne O Connor

 Anne O Connor 
(née Conlon)

Castleblayney, Monaghan

Anne O'Connor. 24 Oliver Plunkett Park. Castleblayney. Anne’s family wish to thank all those who sympathised with them on their recent sad bereavement.

We would like to thank Dr. Mary Flanagan for her care and attention to Mum through the years. We would like to thank the staff of Drogheda Hospital, the emergency department and 2nd floor Oriel for all their help and kindness to Mum and ourselves.

Sincere thanks to all our kind neighbours and friends for their support and kindness. Thanks to Fr Stephen Duffy for the beautiful and personal funeral mass. Tom Coyle for all his help. Thanks to Gavin, Kelle, Ben and Gerry for the lovely music in the church.

Thanks to Conor Hughes Funeral Director and his staff Paul and Darren who carried out the funeral arrangements in a dignified and efficient manner. Thanks to Sinead McGuigan for preparing Mum for her last few days at home. Thank you to the grave diggers who got Mum's final resting place ready. Thanks to Suzanne Campbell for the beautiful flowers.

Thank you to the staff and management of the Glencarn Hotel for all the lovely food. Thank you to the Junior School and Fianna Fáil for the guards of honor.

As it is impossible to thank everyone individually we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of appreciation on our sad loss.

Mum's Months Mind mass will be celebrated in St Mary’s Church Castleblayney on Saturday the 9th of November at 6pm.
