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Bert Murphy

 Bert Murphy 

Ballyglass, Grenagh, Cork / Donoughmore, Cork

The family of Bert; Seán, Colum, Donncha, Ellen, Deirdre & Brendan-Ted; daughters-in-law, son-in-law, partner and grandchildren, lovingly remember him on his First Anniversary.  We would like to express our gratitude to all those who supported and sympathised with us on our sad loss; those who called to the house and brought refreshments, sent condolences, texts and mass cards and supported us through the hardest of times. Thanks to Dad's brothers Denis & Donal, and all our cousins and neighbours. We thank Micheál Ó’Loingsigh PP, Dad's good friend and a wonderful support to him during his short stay in Hospital. Thanks to the medical and Nursing Staff. Thanks to Fr Aidan Crowley & Fr Liam Kelleher, Tina and Joe in the Church. To Grenagh GAA, you did Bert proud. Mallow Golf Club, his many friends and former Dairygold colleagues. Grenagh Choir with Rachel O'Shaughnessy for the beautiful singing. O'Connor & O'Connells Funeral Directors for the professionalism and dignity you afforded our Dad on his final journey. 

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually please accept this acknowledgment of our sincere gratitude and appreciation. We offer a Mass for you and your intensions.

Mass for Bert's First Anniversary will take place at 11am on Sunday 15th of December in St. Lachteens Church, Grenagh.

Those who die in grace go no further from us than God, and God is very near.
