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Bertha WHITE

 Bertha WHITE 

Benmadigan Road, Drimnagh, Dublin

The family of the late Bertha White of Benmadigan Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12 who died on April 23rd, 2018 would like to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with us on our devastating loss.


We offer our heartfelt thanks to her many friends, neighbours, and work colleagues who came to see Bertha while she was reposing in her home,  and/or attended her funeral. Your presence, empathy and well wishes provided great emotional support to us at this extremely difficult time. For those who couldn’t attend but sent messages of condolences and/or floral tributes we are extremely grateful. We also thank all those who sent cards, mass bouquets or made charitable donations to our Our Lady’s Hospice in memory of Bertha.  We especially would like to thank those who travelled long distances to attend Bertha’s funeral, particularly our life long friends & neighbours the Murphy Family .


A special word of thanks to Professor Kennedy and his oncology team  and all the staff from Donal Hollywood Ward in St. James' Hospital for the care they provided to Bertha whilst she underwent treatment there.  We extend this thanks to the wonderful staff of Our Lady’s Hospice, Harold’s Cross for the exceptional care they provided to Bertha in her final days. We will forever be indebted to them for the comfort and support they provided to her (and us).


We would also like to thank Fr. Dave Brannigan  and Mr. Frank Quinn from Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, Mourne Road for their support and guidance and also the eloquent eulogy given by Fr. Dave, who knew Bertha well as a parishioner.  We extend this thanks also to Fr. John Dunphy, Chaplain of Our Lady's Children’s Hospital , Crumlin where Bertha worked, who co-celebrated her Funeral Mass. Our thanks also to the staff of Brian McElroy Funeral directors for their expertise and professionalism.


Finally to all those who supported us in anyway, however small, your contribution helped to make our loss more bearable. As it is not possible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude. The holy sacrifice of the mass has been offered for your intentions.


Bertha’s months mind will be held this Saturday, May 26th, at 6.30pm in Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, Mourne Road, Dublin 12. All are welcome.
