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Billy Cashin

 Billy Cashin 

New Ross, Wexford

As we lovingly remember Billy, on his first anniversary, Breda, Gail and Gillian, with their families wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our relatives, friends, neighbours and to all those who sympathised with us on our very sad loss.

We thank all those who attended Billy’s wake and funeral mass, those who phoned, sent Mass Cards, letters, texts and online condolences, to all those who travelled long distances and to those who couldn't be present but joined in the celebration of Billy's life via live-stream.

We express our deep appreciation to those who lovingly looked after Billy during his short illness; Dr. Mark Walsh, Dr. Paula Calvert and team UHW, Prof. John Armstrong and team Beacon Hospital, Wexford Palliative Home Care Team, Nurse Irene O’Farrell and Mairéad and Staff at Irishtown Pharmacy. Our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Jane Fleming and all the staff on the Oak Ward UHW, who showed such compassion, care and respect to Billy in his final days. To Rev. Fr. Tom Orr for his support and guidance and the memorable funeral Mass celebrating Billy’s life. Thank you to Mary Crosby for her beautiful singing and Ben Sutton for the flower arrangements.

We are indebted to Mandy Dalton and John Molloy for the efforts they went to in creating Billy’s Memory Cards.

Thank you to the United Striders for their Guard of Honour.

A special word of thanks to Gerladine Ryan and team at Ryan’s Funeral Home for their professionalism and attention to detail. Thanks to all those at Mount Jerome Crematorium and to those who looked after us at The Courtyard Ferns.

Thanks to those who provided food at the funeral home especially Michael and Daisy from the M&J Restaurant.

Billy had many friends and we deeply appreciate the presence and friendship of those special people during his illness.

Billy is remembered, loved and greatly missed today and everyday.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this as a token of our appreciation. Mass will be offered for the intentions of all.

Anniversary Mass will be celebrated at 5pm on Saturday 7th September in St. Mary and Michael’s Parish Church, New Ross.
