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Brian Daly

 Brian Daly 

Corfeehone, Poles, Cavan

Brian's wife, Frances, and family, Rory, Ann and Orla wish to express our sincere gratitude to all who sympathised with and supported us during our recent sad bereavement. Thank you to family, friends, neighbours and all who assisted us throughout this most difficult time.  Thank you to all who travelled long distances to be with us, those who attended Brian's reposing and Funeral Mass and all who sent Mass cards, letters, and condolences. Heartfelt thanks to John Burns who assisted Brian when he became ill. A special thank you to Fr Martin Gilcreest for his support throughout and concelebration of Brian's Funeral Mass with Fr John Cooney, Fr Charlie O'Gorman and Fr Michael Gilsenan. Thank you to Denise Flanagan,and Geraldine Mc Caffrey, and Don Mescall whose singing and music was uplifting and comforting. Our sincere thanks to his friend Declan Finnegan and staff for their exceptional dedication and care with the funeral arrangements and to Moxley Productions for streaming the funeral ceremony. We truly appreciate those who formed guards of honour in Brian's memory. A final word of appreciation and thanks to everyone who helped us in any way.  

Brian's Month's Mind Mass will be celebrated in St Brigid's Church, Laragh on Saturday 19th October at 12noon. 
