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Bridget Doyle

 Bridget Doyle 

Arklow, Wicklow / Wexford

Bridget’s partner Noel, children Suzanne, Craig, Amy, Jacqueline & Orla, her parents Kevin & Ann, her brothers, sisters & all our family wish to express our most sincere thanks for the many ways we were supported through our recent heartbreaking loss.

Thank you to everyone who visited our home, attended Bridget's removal, funeral Mass & cremation service either in person or via live-stream, those who sent Mass cards, letters & texts, those who shared happy memories & warm messages online, those who travelled long distances to offer comfort & support & those who donated generously to The Irish Heart Foundation in Bridget’s memory;

Our heartfelt thanks to Sr Siobhan McCabe & her team at Sheltonville Surgery for their great care over the years & to the kind & helpful staff of Ferrybank CarePlus Pharmacy.

Special thanks to Fr. Michael Murphy for celebrating such a beautiful funeral Mass, to the sacristy team at St. Joseph’s Church & to Karla Tracey & Bridget Kenny for such fabulous music.

Thank you to extended family, neighbours & friends for their continued kindness & support.

Thanks also to the management & staff of Mount Jerome Crematorium & to all at John Sweeney & Sons Funeral Directors.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for the intentions of all.

Bridget’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 27th July at 7pm in St. Joseph’s Church, Templerainey. Those who cannot attend are welcome to join via webcam;
