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Caitlin Hogg

 Caitlin Hogg 

50 Moher Road, Kinawley, Fermanagh

HOGG Caitlin 8th December 2022.  We, the family of Caitlin Hogg (RIP), wish to extend a sincere thank you to all friends, relatives, neighbours and work colleagues who supported us upon our recent heartbreaking loss.  We are grateful to all who offered prayers, called at the house, travelled from afar, sent cards or messages of condolence, and attended Caitlin’s funeral. 

We have been overwhelmed by the support from our local community, one which Caitlin was exceptionally proud to be part of.  Our thanks to Kinawley GFC for their heart-warming tributes to Caitlin, along with their tremendous support on logistics, including transport of people to and from the house as well as road traffic control during the wake and funeral.  Our thanks to Kinawley Community Hall Association for broadcasting the funeral Mass to accommodate additional members of the congregation, as well as provision of refreshments after Caitlin’s burial. We also thank friends, neighbours and local businesses who provided catering and practical support to us during the days before and after the funeral.

We are truly grateful to the first responders at Caitlin’s accident, in particular our neighbours Declan and Donncha and all members of our community who arrived at the scene to help in any way.  We thank the PSNI and NIAS for their rapid response and professionalism.  We also thank Air Ambulance NI for their outstanding efforts in getting Caitlin to the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children in the shortest possible time. We are eternally grateful to the medical, nursing and support staff in the ED and ICU at the Royal Hospital for their efforts, care, sensitivity and emotional support.  It was through this that we were afforded the opportunity to spend precious time with our beautiful Caitlin during her final days. We thank the Organ Transplant Team for its sensitivity and support.  Through its guidance and work, Caitlin was able to transform the lives of others, a gesture that truly reflected her generous and loving nature.

We are grateful for the support and comfort provided by Fr Kelly, Fr McMorrow and Fr Mac Giolla Catháin through their visits during Caitlin’s time in hospital.  We thank Fr McMorrow for leading Caitlin’s funeral Mass, concelebrated by Fr Kelly, Fr Comiskey and Fr Greene, as well as those who assisted and participated in any way.  We especially thank Fr Kelly for his beautiful sermon during the Mass which provided much needed words of comfort to all who are mourning Caitlin’s passing. We also thank Fr Darcy for his attendance and prayers at Caitlin’s burial.

A heartfelt thanks to Mrs Sinead Cullen and the staff and students of Mount Lourdes Grammar School for their incredible support, assistance in co-ordinating the funeral Mass, and provision of beautiful music and singing during the service.   We are also indebted to the staff and students of St Náile’s Primary School, Kinawley and St Aidan’s High School, Derrylin for their support throughout.  We thank all our local schools and clubs who sympathised with us and provided guards of honour on the morning of Caitlin’s funeral.

Our thanks to Pat Blake Funeral Directors for carrying out the funeral arrangements in a such a dignified, sensitive and professional manner.  We greatly appreciate the generous donations received thus far for Air Ambulance NI, in Caitlin’s memory.

Please accept our appreciation to all who helped in any way during this difficult time.  We trust that this will be accepted as a token of our sincere gratitude.  The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions. 

Caitlin’s Month’s Memory Mass will take place on Saturday 14th January 2023 at 11 am in St Náile’s Church, Kinawley.
