As we lovingly remember the late Carolann (Caroline) Mannion, her sons Liam and Shane and daughter Orla, would like to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them on their recent loss. We offer our heartfelt thanks to our extended family and friends who helped us through this difficult time, and to the many friends, neighbours and well-wishers who attended Carolann’s removal, funeral Mass and burial. For those who phoned, travelled, sent floral tributes, cards and messages of condolences, we are truly grateful.
We would like to thank Dr Cristopher Cunningham, Glenamaddy for his kind and exceptional care given to Carolann. To Dr Fennelly, Dr Gallagher, Dr Houlian and the nurses and staff of St Vincent’s Private Hospital, Dublin. We are forever grateful for the care, kindness and respect shown to Carolann during her time with you. A special word of thanks to all those who participated in the mass especially Fr Boyle, Fr Cummins and Fr Feeney. To Eoin Kenny who sang so beautifully and to Patrick Murray who provided the wonderful music. We would also like to thank Paddy Mannion, Breda Keaveney, Mary Pettit, the gravediggers and stewards. To those who helped in any way, your contribution made our loss more bearable.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude. The Holy Sacrifice of the mass will be offered for your intentions.
Carolann’s Month's Mind Mass will be held this Sunday 10th October 2021 at 10.30am in St. Patrick's Church, Glenamaddy.