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Catherine (Kitty) Maher

 Catherine (Kitty) Maher 
(née Ebbs)

Dunboyne, Meath / Finglas, Dublin

MAHER (née Ebbs) Catherine (Kitty) Late of Dunboyne, Co. Meath and formerly of Finglas, Dublin 11 & Ringsend, Dublin 4.


We, the family of the late Catherine (Kitty) Maher (née Ebbs) wish to acknowledge with deep appreciation the many expressions of love and support shown to us during Kitty’s illness and most sincerely to all those who sympathized with us on our recent sad loss of Kitty, our heartfelt thanks to the many friends, neighbours, work colleagues and extended family circle for their kindness in calling at our home, to all those who attended the funeral service and cremation, those who sent Mass cards, donations and messages of sympathy and condolences.


A special word of thanks to the doctors, nurses and staff at Connolly Hospital and the Palliative Care Team at St. Francis Hospice, Blanchardstown who attended to and treated Kitty with such care and dignity.


Our sincere thanks to Norman Croke, Celebrant, for all his guidance, help and support in every step of the way with the preparation of the funeral service for the celebration of Kitty’s life. Also, our sincere thanks to Cunningham's Funeral Directors for their assistance and professionalism.


As it is impossible to thank individually all those whose kindness has brought such comfort to us, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere gratitude.