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Colin Furlong

 Colin Furlong 

Coolgreany, Wexford / Redcross, Wicklow

Colin’s wife Thomasina, children Serena, Colin & Craig, his brothers, sisters & all our family wish to extend our most heartfelt thanks for the many kind expressions of sympathy & support we received throughout our recent sudden & devastating loss.

Thank you to everyone who visited our home, attended Colin’s removal, funeral Mass & burial, sent Mass cards, letters, texts & comforting messages online & those who couldn’t be present but joined us via webcam.

Special thanks to the Gorey Gardaí & emergency services whose skills & compassion brought us great comfort on the day Colin passed away.

Thank you to Fr. Denis Browne for his prayers & guidance, to Fr Michael Murphy for celebrating such a beautiful funeral Mass, to the sacristy team at St. Patrick’s Church, to Jimmy Reid for such gorgeous music & to family & dear friends who took part in the liturgy of Colin’s Mass.

To our own extended families, our colleagues, neighbours & friends, we would never have gotten through those awful few days without you. The continued kindness & support shown to us is much appreciated & will never be forgotten. We would like to say a special “thank you” to all those who helped manage the traffic throughout Colin’s wake & funeral.

While we are eternally grateful to everyone who showed their love & support, we were truly overwhelmed by the many truckers who turned out to accompany Colin on his final journey. We can never thank them enough. Colin would have been honoured !

Thanks also to Jason Porter for tending to the grave, the management & staff of Jack Whites for their hospitality after the funeral & to all at John Sweeney & Sons Funeral Directors.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that his acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered up for the intentions of all.

Colin’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 16th July at 10am in St. Patrick’s Church, Barraniskey.
