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Colm  (Colm Chóilín Mhaitias) Casey

 Colm (Colm Chóilín Mhaitias) Casey 

Mace, Carna, Galway

The family of the late Colm Casey, Mace, Carna, Co. Galway who died 2nd September 2021 would like to thank most sincerely all those who sympathized with them on their great loss.

Thank you to Fr Paraic Standùn for celebrating Colm's Funeral Mass and to Breda O'leary, Willie (Beag) Fitzpatrick and Baba (Nèe Greene) Burke for their lovely singing.

Thank you also to Ann Mylotte and Mairtin Mheaic Mylotte for their sensitive and professional handling of the funeral arrangements. Also a thank you to all the grave diggers, to relatives, neighbours and friends who called to the house and funeral from near and afar, To those who sent mass cards and messages of condolence on And a special thanks to relatives and neighbours for helping us at such a sad time.

We thank the management and staff of Richmond ICU in Beaumont hospital for their kindness and respect to us and to the care given to Colm.

To those who helped us in any way your contribution made our loss more bearable. As it is impossible to thank everyone individually please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude and appreciation. The holy sacrifice at the mass will be offered for your intentions.