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Denise Morgan

 Denise Morgan 

Drogheda, Louth

We the family of the late Denise Morgan would like to express our sincere and heartfelt thank you to all who offered their support throughout the most tragic time in our lives.


To all who prayed for us, all the condolences, sent messages of support, brought food, came to our family home, contacted the relevant agencies and everyone who took care of the kids, animals and all affairs while we were in America.  


A special thank you to Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust, we can’t thank you enough for what you did for us, Lynch’s Funeral Home in New York who took such good care of our very precious angel Denise.


To both the Irish community, we wouldn’t have gotten this far without you all and the American communities particularly in Forest Hills, Sunnyside and Glendale in New York, your support has been immense.


A sincere thank you to everyone who donated to the Go Fund Me and also to Alan Whyte (England), Lisa Loughery (New York) and Michael Maldonado (New York) who organised them.


Thank you to Paddy Carolan for the food supplied on the day and The Morning Star for refreshments in Tullyallen.


A sincere thank you to Fr. Sean Dooley who was a gentleman who showed such compassion and support to our family in a time of need.


Thank you to Peader Kearneys in Dublin for organising a benefit night in their pub and all the musicians that gave up their night to be there and provide the music. 


We want to thank Mickey McCreesh and Ty Sullivan for organising the benefit quiz night held in New York and all who attended, all proceeds went to The Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust. 


And lastly but not least a huge thank you to Townley’s Funeral Home who did an amazing job, they showed us such compassion and professionalism during and after this heartbreaking time.


We truly appreciate everything done for us and everyone who showed us such amazing support. 


It’s impossible to thank everyone personally so please accept this as a sincere and loving thank you to you all from us all