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 Derek HUTTON 

465 Pollerton Big, Pollerton, Carlow

Derek’s parents John and Margaret, brothers Gary and Shane together with the extended family wish to thank all those who sympathised with them on their recent sad loss of Derek. Thank you to all those who sent mass cards, letters and messages of sympathy, text messages, emails, left messages of condolence on, attended the funeral Mass in person or virtually and the burial, thank you all from the bottom of our hearts and for your understanding and support in these difficult times. A special word of thanks to Bishop Nulty, Fr Tommy Dillon and Fr Tom Little for their kind words, support and prayers and for officiating at the funeral. To our wonderful neighbours Dan and Lilly Fennelly and family, Kevin and Kathleen Hutton and all the Hutton family. To Pat, Marcella, Leonie, Karen, Patrice and partners for always being there. To the Carlow Men’s Shed for their kindness and to all the neighbours who dropped food into the house and who continue to offer support. We would like to thank Rory Healy and staff for their empathy and kindness during this very sad time, to Ollie Hennessy and Louise Delaney for the beautiful music during the funeral mass, and a very special word of thanks to all of Derek’s work colleagues in Proctor and Gamble, Newbridge where Derek spent many happy years. The Guard of Honour they provided and the remembrance tribute in Newbridge gave us great comfort in this difficult time. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all with our sincere appreciation and gratitude.

As a token of our appreciation the holy sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions 

Month’s Mind Mass

The month’s mind Mass for Derek will be celebrated on Sunday, January 3rd 2021 at 10.30am in the Church of the Holy Family, Askea.    

Please note that due to lockdown the month's mind Mass as previously advertised in the Nationalist has been changed to 10.30am, online. 
