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Donal Bourke

 Donal Bourke 

Bolomore, Rathcoole, Cork

26th September 2021

On the first anniversary of our Father Donal’s death, his family, John, Michael, Donal, Seamus, Eileen and Frances, their spouses, Mary, Ina Mary, Breda, Eileen, John and Brendan, his cherished grandchildren and great-grandchildren, wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with us on our sad loss. Due to Covid 19, a small funeral celebrating his remarkable life was held. We wish to thank all who attended his funeral removal, Requiem Mass and burial. Thank you so much for the beautiful Mass cards, letters, shared memories, texts, phone calls and online condolences, each and all were a great comfort to us..

To all his dear neighbours who lined the roadside, those who came and waited outside the Church and everyone who joined the funeral Mass online, thank you. We were deeply touched.

Our heartfelt thanks to: Dr Bertie Daly, Newmarket, Donal’s carers and the staff of Teach Altra nursing home who cared for Donal with such kindness.

A special thanks to Fr Robin Morrissey and Fr Tom Leane for making his Mass so special.

Thank you to Mc Carthy Funeral Directors for their professionalism.

As it is not possible to thank everyone individually, we hope that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our appreciation.

The holy sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions..