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Eamonn Heffernan

 Eamonn Heffernan 

Kevin Street, Tinahely, Wicklow / Mallow, Cork

Eamonn’s family would like to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude for the comfort and support shown to us following our sad loss.

Thank you the everyone who attended the funeral home and those who attended the mass and burial or those unable to attend who watched online. Thank you to everyone who sympathised, sent mass cards and sympathy cards, telephoned, sent text-messages, on-line condolences or flowers, brought food to the house and the funeral home. To those who provided tea and food at the funeral home and to those who travelled long distances to be with us. Your support and kindness mean so much and will never be forgotten.

We wish to thank G.P. Majella Perry and her staff at Meadowcroft Surgery and the staff at Tinahealy pharmacy for their medical services over the years. Wicklow Palliative care team for the care and kindness they gave to Eamonn and to us in his final days.

Thank you to Fr. Gahan for attending Eamonn at home prior to his passing, for the prayers in the funeral home ant the lovely mass and to the mass servers. Thank you to Siofra Gallagher and the choir for their singing at the mass. To Martin Doyle funeral director for his guidance and professionalism. To the management and staff of Murphy’s Hotel for the food and hospitality after the funeral.

To our extended family for all the love and support. A special Thank you to Gerry, Ann and family for everything they did for Eamonn and for us.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude.

Eamonn’s Months Mind Mass will take place

On Sunday 15th January 2023, at 11am in St Kevin’s Church,

Kilaveney, Tinahealy.