Elizabeth’s husband Kevin, sons Kevin & Derek & all her family wish to extend our warmest thanks for the kindness, sympathy & support shown to us at the time of Elizabeth’s sad passing & during the weeks since.
Thank you to everyone who visited the funeral home, attended Elizabeth’s removal, funeral Mass & burial, sent Mass cards, letters & online messages, those who travelled long distances to offer comfort & support & those who couldn’t be present but joined in celebrating Elizabeth’s life via webcam.
Our most sincere thanks to Mary Molloy who assisted Kevin in providing constant care & companionship throughout Elizabeth’s final years. Thank you also to Dr Larry Flynn & to all at Adrian Dunne Pharmacy.
Special thanks to Fr. David Brough for his prayers, comforting guidance & beautiful funeral Mass & to Karla Tracey & Bridget Kenny for such wonderful music.
Thanks also to Joe & Tom from RSS for tending to the grave & to all at John Sweeney & Sons Funeral Directors.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the intentions of all.
Elizabeth’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 7th May at 11.30am in St. Mary & Peter’s Church. Those who cannot attend are welcome to join via webcam