7th April 2021.
On the first anniversary of Eoghan's passing, Eleanor, Edwin, R.V., Marla and their families, would like to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised in their bereavement.
Heartfelt thanks to friends, neighbours, those who telephoned, sent floral tributes, cards and messages of condolence, we are truly grateful.
A sincere thank you to the staff in Galway Medical Centre, Sea Road, Hogan’s Chemist, Fr. Griffin Road, Oncology team in U.C.H.G. and the District and Palliative nurses.
Fr. Seán, O. Carm., and all the priests in the Jesuit Church, Sea Road, Galway. O’Flaherty Funeral Directors, for their professional and sensitive handling of arrangements.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgment as an expression of our gratitude.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Anniversary Mass to be held Thursday, 7th April 2022, at 11am in the Jesuit Church, Sea Road, Galway.