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Esther (Essie) O'Leary

 Esther (Essie) O'Leary 
(née Kingston)

Gurteen, Bandon, Cork

Essie (Esther) O'Leary

Gurteen, Bandon.

Acknowledgement and First Anniversary

31st May, 2021

The family of the late Essie (Esther) O'Leary, wish to sincerely thank all those who supported us and sympathised with us on our sad loss. We are grateful to everyone who sent Mass cards, online condolences and prayers.

To all the neighbours for their help and kindness, to everyone who lined the funeral route, Bandon GAA and Bandon Athletic Club for their guard of honour, we express our thanks. We also like to extend our gratitude to Very Rev. Canon John Kingston and Rev. John O'Donavan of Bandon parish who celebrated Essie's Funeral Mass and to Bolster's Funeral Directors for their understanding and professionalism.

As it is impossiible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgment as a token of our appreciation.

Mass will be streamed on Saturday, 29th May, at 6pm.