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Fr. Brendan Hoban

 Fr. Brendan Hoban 

Navan, Meath / Castlebar, Mayo

At this time of Brendan's anniversary we, his brother John and sisters, Anne, Carmel, Sheila, Ber  (Bernadette) and Claire, would like to express our sincere thanks for all the support we received at the time of his death and in the past year. Each message of condolence, mass card, letter, phone call, every shared memory, kind word and gesture - these were all deeply consoling and appreciated beyond words.

To you who gathered for the funeral Mass and burial in Dalgan - your effort in being there with us was so comforting and hugely appreciated. Thank you. 

To all who contributed to the beautiful liturgy - Fr Sean Dwan, Fr Eamon Conaty, Fr Ray Husband, Archbishop Michael Neary, Fr Tony King and Fr Charlie Mc Donnell, the choir and Brendan's Columban family and friends, we are truly grateful.

To the wider Columban family, especially in Korea, your kind remembrance will never be forgotten.

For the medical teams who took such care of Brendan  - Dr Barr and staff in Navan, Doctors and nurses at the Mater Hospitals, Cardiac Care Team at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda  - there are no boundaries to our gratitude for your professional care and kindness.

To Jarlath Fitzimons for his professionalism and helpful funeral arrangements  - thank you most sincerely.

Mass will be offered in grateful thanks for all your intentions.