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Gerald (Gerry) Parle

 Gerald (Gerry) Parle 

St Kevin`s Terrace, Ballycoog, Wicklow

Gerry’s wife Teresa, daughter Jacinta, stepdaughter Isabel, his grandchildren, brother, sisters & all his extended family wish to express our most sincere gratitude for the kindness shown to us at the time of Jerry’s sudden passing & in the weeks since.

While the restrictions of the time didn’t allow for a large gathering of family & friends to celebrate Gerry’s life as he would have loved & most certainly deserved, we thank you for the phone calls & texts, cards & letters, the beautiful online tributes, the fabulous flowers & the many ways you have found to express your sorrow, sympathy & support. To neighbours & friends who stood outside your homes as Gerry made his final journey & to those of you who gathered at the cemetery at a safe distance, your presence brought much comfort.

Our sincere thanks to Fr Brian McKittrick for celebrating such a lovely funeral mass & to Lisa Jacob Kealy & Gerry’s dear friend Billy Bracken – your music added such beauty & meaning to the celebration of his life, he would have been so proud.

Thank you to all who assisted us on the day Gerry passed away, the Arklow Gardaí, the emergency services & the Care Doc.

Thanks also to Bill & Joe from RSS for tending to the grave & to all at John Sweeney & Sons Funeral Directors.

As it would be impossible to thank everybody individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation.

Gerry’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 28th March at 11.30am in St Mary’s & Patrick’s Church, Avoca & you are welcome to join via the church webcam;
